Monday, February 15, 2010

what a WEEKEND!

There was so much good stuff that happened this weekend! The guys won on Saturday, beating the fourth (or fifth?) place team 3-1 - and they did it handily. Everyone played really well (after the game Steve said to me, "We actually played like a volleyball team!"), and they totally dominated - it was awesome. On Saturday morning we watched the opening ceremonies - Steve from the hotel, and me from the comfort of our two-seater sofa. Nao joined me halfway through, and we had coffee and donuts and watched les equipes and the show and it was great! There were so many fabulous performances, and the quality of the music reminded me of Canada's many talented vocalists. I was kind of hoping for some more upbeat music, but seeing as how the ceremony was dedicated to Nodar Kumaritashvili, maybe it wasn't the occasion. Anyways! We watched, we loved... then we watched some vball and loved that too.

On Sunday morning we were glued to the Olympics once more - from our separate posts - before it was time to head back to the gym for game #2 of the weekend. Tokyo played the top ranked team, the Sakai Blazers, and despite an extremely solid start, the game went in favour of the Buh-lazers, led by Gottsu the Gorilla. Not that he looks like a primate, he was just acting like one - fist pumping chest pounding yelling screaming with crazy spilling out of his pores... all when his team was up by 10 points (or more). I was not a fan of that.

The signage is great though - most of the guys on Steve's team have their own banners, and some guys on other teams have their own SUPERsized banners...

Not sure who these girls are but ? Super Band... sure.

We came home and had burgers for our Valentine's day dinner, and exchanged little gifts. I gave Steve some Crown Royal, and he gave me a jar of my favourite body product - Lavender Patchouli Body Scrub from Sabon (with locations in Montreal and Toronto). I discovered this store (thanks to Vancouver-NYC gal Katie Klumps) when Jen and I went to New York this summer... and it is a-ma-zing! The smells the feel the skin after the use... love love love it. Steve's number one fan (I have yet to get a picture of her or with her or of Steve with her) gave him a box of chocolates and gave me an ever so cute little dancing ballerina PIGLET in its own perfect box. With how I've been eating as of late, this is all too fitting; cinnamon buns + white chocolate hazelnut brownies + donuts = little miss piggins. And here she is!

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Sounds like a great weekend....a win for Steve's team, opening ceremonies, good food and gifts! Yeah!