Friday, November 20, 2009

pampered pets

I should have known that we lived in the Beverly Hills of Tokyo when I saw the doggy strollers and haute couture petwear. To some - Tokyo-ites perhaps? - this is normal. To me it is WEIRD, not to mention a bit of a waste of money. I mean, the perfectly preened and clothing-clad pooches around here have more style than most humans; I wonder how much they get each month for their clothing allowance. And how often they go to the doggy-spa. There are almost as many dog-grooming and pet-pampering salons as there are hair salons around here, and they are complete with high-end dog food, clothing (overalls, dresses, skirts, hoodies, vests, winter jackets), bejewelled collars and leashes and booties. And I tell ya - I have not seen one muddy or icky looking pooch... Imagine what the mutts of Romania - the beach dogs and stray puppies and poor Ron-dogs - would think of the royal treatment here... awww, Ron! I wonder how Ron, our apartment dog from last year is doing. All he wanted was some love - I wonder, do these little tykes want more? A new coat? The whiskers trimmed? Fancy biscuits? From the looks of it... I think they do.

And the clothes - hoodies, haute couture and poof and polka dots...

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