Wednesday, July 16, 2008

some before and afters

ORANGE! We picked orange for the kitchen. Yikes. But we like it so far! There is one great big orange wall though, and it seems to be asking for some clothing in the form of art, or pictures. Here are some befores and afters... and some of us working away - there were five of us (Steve's parents Bob and Marg, his aunt Margriet and the two of us), so progress was ... actually progress! With just the two of us we would still be working on the living room. I'm writing this from Vancouver and dinner is ready, so I'll write more later! Yum, pizza.

A messy-before kitchen.... infested with purple.

Orange and organized! Hopefully both themes will last...

princess pink (another infestation of pepto-inspired colour)

matching trim! neutral colours! grown up furniture! (ikea replaces university hand me downs) clean windows!

steve reading!

women at work: orange-o-rama

Margriet, our perched primer

i dress up to garden
they even painted the storage cubby pink! all of it!! AGh

steve cleaning. i mean painting.

preparing to retile a bathroom shower area...

Our porch pots got a marvellous makeover from Marg.... hurray!

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