Sunday, October 5, 2014

a short one

Ready for a  kid-sleep/no-sleep rant? Here it comes: getting our kids to go to bed at a decent hour (and stay in bed and fall asleep) has been an epic struggle; they stay up too late, and then don't want to get up in the morning (EXCEPT if it's the weekend, and we don't have to get up early... then they do). I was thinking that an earlier dinner (say, 5:00) might allow for more time for the crazy-apres-meal steam runoff, and in turn allow for an earlier bedtime but nope. Nope nope nope. They still want to stay up late (-ish - I'm talking 8:30) and then wake up several times in the night (each) and then I have to spend way too much energy getting people out of bed and ready for school (mrrrrrrrrrr). Unless it's the weekend, and then they still stay up late and still get up multiple times in the night and then wake up right on time or earlier, and make the parents get up too. I'm thinking this is where weekend cartoons come into play, though I know that if we get started on that they'll be up even earlier on the weekends and be even more tired during the week. BAH! Let this be a sleep speed-bump; hopefully we get back to some restful nights soon. (Rant over.)

I have been extrrrremely productive in the kitchen this weekend (powered by coffee, tea); I made granola, pumpkin spice muffins, carrot cake (in muffin form) and a huge pot of sauce for lasagna, which I need to go and put together (jobs jobs jobs). Alana has been resisting her nap - but went down this afternoon like it was the only thing she knows how to do - thank goodness! Steve and Hendrik went to the pool, so hopefully we'll (they'll) all be tuckered right out and I might get some work done tonight.

School is going well, but without those solid sleeps it's tough to get anything accomplished after the little weasels (as cute as they are) have finally fallen asleep. We're heading to Bowmanville for Thanksgiving next Friday, and there are no classes the week after, so hopefully I'll be able to get away and get things done then. No other news for now - well, there probably is, but the empty lasagna pan calls and the teapot needs refilling. (On that note, I'm looking forward to reading the next Mme Ramotswe - out next month!). Red bush tea and friends (still need some of those here) are good good good, so I'll start with the tea, and enjoy the quiet house...

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