Monday, September 22, 2014

house tour - times two!

Finally, here's a house tour... wait, here are TWO house tours! I took one in the early days (I think it was five days in) and then another one this morning. The first is a bit long - with Hendrik as le tour guide, so skip it and go to #2 if you want the moved in Apartment Therapy ready tour...

And it's true - school makes kids sick. (And smart too, right?) Hendrik was home today with a cough, and Alana was sick to her stomach two nights ago after being cough-cold-hacky for a week or so. Since Steve is in Gatineau for the weekend, I spent most of the night either cleaning up puke, consoling a whiney girl, or talking to a friendly Telehealth nurse - take her to the clinic? hospital? Waking up to a two-year-old (or any-year-old) puking in the hallway and then puking again in the hallway isn't fun for anyone, no it is not. Hendrik said his tummy wasn't feeling great this evening, and he was one tired little pup tonight - so I'll have a bucket on standby in case he catches the midnight barf bug.

Que mas? The kids played with stickers and pens and glues for a large part of the day, and played "I'll lock you in the shed" (so named by me). This is something that started outside, and Hendrik would tell Alana to, for example, stop digging in the dirt or else: "I'll lock you in the shed!" Cue appalled look on my face - right? Well the game came to craft time this afternoon, and Alana was in on it too. Hearing her tell him "I'll LOCK YOU IN THE SHED!" was so awful it was almost funny; I just hope that if and when people hear them say that to each other (shocked neighbours? horrified gym teacher?) they don't think it's standard practice chez nous.

Hendrik has also picked up, "Wanna fight?" at kindergarten. I say, No, no Hendrik, that's not a nice thing to say. Fighting isn't a nice thing to do or play, and he says "I'm just joking you mommy, I'm just playing." What to say? PEACE! Flowers! Love! Right....

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