Monday, September 1, 2014

from forest city

Moving is exhausting. Kids are exhausting (especially overtired boys who won't quit). MOVING WITH KIDS IS EXHAUSTING. But we did it, and with the unpacking and settling in not quite being over yet, we are still doing it (did I mention anything about being exhausted?). We're loving the house (yard! space! natural light!) and loving the neighbourhood (Old North); TBD - loving school? Hendrik starts Thursday, so I'll keep you posted.

After a week without internet, we are finally connected. Here's a quick-post list of thoughts and things, and then I need to get to the list of things to do when we get internet.

1. I had orientation last Thursday, and it was information overload - but in a good way. My first day of classes is on Wednesday and I'm taking Perspectives on Library and Information Science, Information Organization, Curation and Access, and Information Sources and Services. Do I feel prepared? Sort of. Moving and the need-to-get list (such as beds, a dresser, groceries etc) has for some strange reason (survival! sanity!) been at the top of the list. With time running out, I'd better get ready... right?

2. The yard is amazing. The natural light in this house is amazing. I love our neighbourhood - quiet, side-walked, and within walking distance to the grocery store, Hendrik's school (St. George's), the university and our friends (the Duerdens). And people say hi! It is great.

3. Alana turns TWO tomorrow - !! Crazy. We planned a huge party and invited all our friends. Kidding, about the big party, but not about the friends - Kari and her girls are coming over tomorrow.

4. I can't think of anything else so I guess I'd better go and pay bills and catch up on at least a few emails. If this long house tour from a few days ago loads, you'll see it below; if not, you'll catch the all-moved-in house tour within a week or so!

Happy trails from London xo!!

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