Tuesday, November 25, 2014

books and babes

Books! Everywhere!. There is quite the library-pile - some from Hendrik's school (five Magic Schoolbus books - his obsession du jour), some from the London Public Library (including two Angus books, a nice little pile of John Goodall's wordless flap-books, a few Nancy Carlson books (Harriet and the Garden - a gem!) and a few Toon books (A Trip to the Bottom of the World). Oh, and then there are the for-school books (which I should return), and the books on hold at the library. AK! But really - why not use the library? It's amaze! And the kids love it too - we could hardly pry them away from the kiddie section yesterday afternoon; there are trains and pop-up books, toys and more toys and books and more books (and stickers)... pa-ra-dise!

Que mas? I am trying out an overnight breakfast slow-cooker meal that involves oats, apples, cinnamon and brown sugar - and lovely aromas sweeping us out of bed in the morning (yes?). Life is good, busy - with coaching, school, family, food, errands... you know, the usual. I have less than two weeks of school left and just TWO assignments, both of which I have yet to begin in earnest. Hendrik turns FOUR (!!) on Friday, and we're planning on a little pizza party complete with lots of yummy food and a few friends. We're loving belonging to the Y-M-C-A up at Stoney Creek, and swimming is a hit with both kidlets, and both of them are making big progress (Hendrik puts his face in the water now which is a big deal for him, and Alana loves pool noodles and kicking herself around the shallow pool). Not much else to say a le moment, except that I need to get some work done and get to bed... some time.

making faces (this was the "funny" face)
the butterfly face (!?)
snuggles with maman

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