Wednesday, August 13, 2014

from east

grandparents and their grandchiles
I should be in bed right now - I should go to bed right now. But like my overdue library book, if I don't just do it (blog/return book), it won't happen. Tomorrow (after a full day in le gym) is a day to get to the lists that keep piling up: look for scholarship money/financial aid, print off school information (I registered - it looks like it's happening!), find a school (or alternative to full-day junior kindergarten) for Hendrik, plan a next-week visit to London (Monday-Wednesday: we need to meet with a realtor, meet with volleyball people).... and there's probably is more but - listing it all isn't making me feel any better about a.) doing it tomorrow or about whether or not I will get to it tomorrow and/or b.) the fact that none of those things have been done (yet). I mean, I will do it. I will, tomorrow - right? (Do I sound stressed? I'm not. Really.)

But for now, the rest of our visit, in brief. It was amazing! The kids loved Thetis (we all did), and the weather was great and the water was warm. We had daily apres-nap swims out to the floaty raft, and everyone braved the mid-70s (warm!) water save for our little birdie Alana. Time there was the perfect almost-end to our trip: five days of relaxing and easy exploring close to home after busy-but-great time seeing friends and family in the city.

And then it was up-island (Vancouver Is.) for a wedding, a few changes of plans (I opted not to stay in the dingy, overcrowded and overpriced Saratoga Beach Resort but instead in Comox, where there was just enough furniture and more than enough fun for us to have a much more enjoyable stay), some great times with the best of friends... and then home again home again. Well, sort of; Sunday was quite the day with a drive to Nanaimo, and then connecting flights through Vancouver and Toronto en route to Ottawa, with Alana always on my lap (ugggh). Add some lost bags turned into damaged bags plus damaged contents (nothing of supreme importance) and well sure, let's just say I'm glad the journey home is over. Seeing Steve and seeing the kids see Steve was fantastic, and hopefully the two of us will get some quality time together - when? Next week when we go to London on a three-day house-hunting mission, alone. The kids have been up late and they're jet-lagged and full of energy, so we've all been pretty beat by the time the littlest ones let the big ones go to bed. That being said, it's down-tempo time around here for the next day and a half for me - the fam left for the cottage this morning, and I have two more days of coaching. Then, I'll join them for one last (I think) summer cottage hurrah before the hurricane of moving hits. Lists, lists, lists... that I'll get to tomorrow. Pictures, and I'm out!
fun with sidewalk chalk (spot the alphabet?), doin' jobs, giant puzzle
the new bunkie! so much fun. our next thetis abode?
painting shells scavenged from a beach a row-boat-ride away
me in five mins!

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