Wednesday, June 18, 2014

post-flight post

Isn't air travel kind of amazing? Here I am, sitting and writing with 36,000 feet of space between me and the flat prairie space below, traveling from one side of the country to another in an enormous, heavy, metal tube full of people. How much does this craft weigh? And it's suspended and propelling itself through the air? You better believe I've googled and tried to understand the physics behind it all, and even if I do momentarily grasp the concepts while reading about said things, it still boggles my mind.
Erik, Karin, Claire, me, Mom, Dad and Sarah
More importantly, really, I'm en route back to my kids! And husband! And I'm so excited. Vancouver was really, really great, but I'm very ready to see my family - for home is with them, wherever they may be. I arrived at YVR on Friday morning, after what felt like an illegal 5am getaway (quick! get to the airport while everyone's sleeping!), and had time to grab a coffee before my dad rolled in to pick me up. It was great to see him, and then everyone else back at the family home. Savary Island bread filled us up, and we chatted about plans and everyone's lives and updates and futures. My dad retired after 34 (I think) years of helping people, and he excelled at his craft - we were all there to celebrate him and be together as a family... and it was great. We went out for sushi and went for walks, had sister time, pub time, time with little Erik and time all together; we ate fresh fish, fresh bread, good produce and had the best company to go along with it all - four girls, one grandchild, and two happy grandparents. We (the sisters) resolved to get together more often as a family, and despite some geographical challenges, we can and will do it. I had time to see a few friends, and that was also amazing, and as you loyal readers know I do very much look forward to the time when I can be close to friendships (new or old) and sustain them and enjoy them. It's a perk, to travel the world and the country, and I know my friends are always there for me - I just want to be there with them too. One day!
happy grandparents and an about-to-puke babe...
hiking in Vancouver's North Shore mountains

Karin, Me, and Claire on a seawall walk - what a beauty of a city!
fun, despite the rain; it' was so so so good to see everyone!
And now, back to Ottawa/Gatineau, where I will see my little beauties and turn 36 (on Thursday) in the company of my most favourite man. Here's to another year of health and happiness!

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