Sunday, January 26, 2014

life. is. good.

What a day! It was cold and felt colder colder than the temp gauge told me, and busy and full of goodness: I took the kids out to meet volleyball friends for brunch at Art Is In (it was awesome! I can't wait to go back), then on to check out a double jogging stroller (the cheapest I could find on kijiji was $100, no tires!) but it was frozen solid and I couldn't get it in the car (COLD); next, to Ikea for lunch and playtime (I bought this for the kids - can't wait to set it up! - tomorrow, when I'm not so tired). Apres, it was back here to Skype with Steve and then a nap for Alana and jobs for me, followed by dinner (non-dinner dinners are the only good thing about Steve being gone - I don't have to cook!), a splashy bath, football (I throw the ball to Hendrik, he catches it and runs the length of the apartment to score a touchdown in his room - love it!), stories and sleep. Please please please let both of these kids sleep all night! They're taking turns with multiple (FOUR last night for H) wake-ups, and I just want to go to bed, go to sleep, and wake up in the morning. Oh so much to ask, I know.

And how are things flying sola? Fine. Good. Hendrik has been such a good boy, and Alana knows how to go with the flow. I'm lucky, to have these two beings in my life - and lucky to be making some friends and finding time to eat a croissant with new teammates, to talk to my sisters, to stay in touch with faraway (but close!) friends. I'll say it again, life is good!

quotes of the day: with Alana saying dada dada a bit more (now that he's gone - !), Hendrik has commented that he thinks Alana misses daddy and, "I think Alana wants daddy to come back." Me: "Do you want daddy to come back? Do you miss him?" Hendrik: "No. I don't miss him, I just love him." CUTE! Also, when I asked him what his favourite part of the day was (mine was Art Is In) he said, "skype with daddy." Love it.

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Hendrik says the cutest things! Love the kitchen!