Tuesday, August 27, 2013

my day: every 15 minutes

A few things, quickly (I hope):

I went for a run this afternoon with Shanti, and it was so crazy humid and hot and I felt like a slug that had just grown a pair of gams - man oh man, I hope I feel better on Saturday.

We are headed to the cottage tomorrow afternoon until next Tuesday, hurrah! (I'll come back to run the race and then drive back.) We'll celebrate Alana's first birthday (September 2nd) with the Fab Four (grandparents Brinkman and Aunt and Unc) and enjoy some net-free, quiet time... it will be fah-bu-lous.

Since my last post we have had two horribly early mornings with Alana (5:30ish) and then today: 7:20 - !! She awoke close to 6:30, did some quacking and woofing and spouted off a few mama mamma mammmas (but without any real urgency), and then went back to sleep. Really! We were amazed. If I hadn't had such a hard time falling asleep last night (I think I was on a book purchase high), my sleep also would have been epic. (On the book purchase note, you can check out our bookshelf here; some of the new additions are thanks to my parents - the McCloskey series - and the rest are mine. Mine! I mean, um, they're for the children.)

A link to this article: "What Parents Should Say as Their Kids Perform". Also applies to the game of life.

Okay, and lastly: I tried something out today - I took a photo of what I was doing every 15 minutes, all day long and collaged it all up (picmonkey). How interesting, if I'd done this when we lived in Romania or Russia or Greece or Italy or Japan or Indonesia - things sure do look different now. Voila....

starting at 7:45
1. alana eats | making my breakfast | wiping hendrik's face | kitchen happenings
2. repairing a library book | timer app | laundry | alana face planting in our bed
3. post-poop franklin + lists | reading, sort of | putting alana down | headstands
4. all smiles | reading | still reading | on mls
starting at 11:45
1. en route to the gym | at the gym | quick library visit | car vs bike to get home - we win
2. vacuuming up a broken glass | feeding alans | feeding everyone else | clean up
3. cleaning up | pick me up! | upside down, again | watching hendrik's first attempt at baseball
4. mom and babe | trying to convince hendrik to nap (unsuccessfully) | grocery plan + coffee | vids
starting at 3:45
1. en route to grocery store | from store 1-store 2 | from store 2-home | chilling
2. ready to run | running | still running/resting | chatting with shants post-run
3. shower | getting dinner on the go | calming a crying baby | dinner!
4. YUM! | hendrik in the tub and i'm getting a kiss from alana - ! | just diapered | climber, ready for bed

starting at 7:45
1. bed time stories | making turkey burgs | turkey burg clean up | zucchini bread recipe
2. late-ish night baking: veggie-cake | baking | email | baking
3. facebook | blog | blog | blog


Ms. Gloster said...

I love this! What a fun idea. You are one busy lady. :) ~Jordynn

Maggie B said...

Love it! What a fabulous idea!

Unknown said...

hi.......^_^in shahadt hossan