Saturday, December 29, 2012


it took three shots to get the lovely one on the right | making sugar cookies
Merry (belated) Christmas! We had an awesome day - great company, great food, a full table, and full plates. Santa came, the kids were showered with gifts, we connected with our families on skype, there were goodies and mmmmost importantly, we were all together. That is my hodgepodge of thoughts of why the 24th and 25th were just right; see the pics below for proof of holiday perfection.
CCTV came to our place for a Christmas interview on Christmas Eve: watch the broadcast-nationwide clip HERE
Steve left this afternoon (for Chengdu, Sichuan Province) for a few days and is back late late Sunday night, then away for TEN DAYS as of Tuesday, January 1st. EEEEeeeeeeps. And that's all I have to say about that. The couch is calling - if I didn't have to stay up to hang up diapers, I'd be in bed as soon as this web log is up. Pho-tos!
sugar cookies, round two: ICING!
homemade stockings: Steve and I made stockings for e/o several years ago; Alana's and Hendrik's are new this year, crafted from Ikea hand towels, a diaper insert and ribbon.
Alana, after her Christmas Eve feast
the boys, about to dig into the goodies
Christmas morning, opening presents: his new Thomas trains are no-contest winners...
Steve did the turkey: shower and schtuff - and the bird was delectable!
out for a Christmas Day walk
stockings - Santa came! (love Alana's face in the bottom R: what is THAT)
reading Anatole, one of the new books - I love it!
The meal was one of the best I've ever had: turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potats, sweet potato + apple bake, broccoli and cheese sauce, roasted carrots, rolls, cranberry sauce and hot mulled wine. And it was our first Christmas as a family of four!
Caro made stuffed apples... they were delicious!
our beautiful babe, on her first Christmas (wearing a dress made by my mom's mom, Grandma Hamblin)
I love her!
and I love him

There is more, but the VPN that I require in order to access my blog in China is not working so well SO, after two nights of incredibly painfully slow internet, I'm posting and signing off. Better luck next time (tomorrow)...

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