Sunday, September 9, 2012

a shortie

Hendrik has a new favourite book: the 20th Century Children's Book Treasury, a livre that was neglected until the morning Hendrik's baby sister arrived. My cousin Elspeth was here looking after him (we called her at 5:00 am to please ask please come over as soon as you can - yipes) and she must have cracked the cover. New faves are Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Freight Train and I Am a Bunny (which I love).
Alana is a week old today! It feels like she's been here longer. We hit up Brewer Park this morning (which was crawling with kids - crawling) and then did a loop or two of the Landsdowne Farmers Market; everyone had lunch (including the lil' miss - my first in-public out-of-the-house breastfeed... it was a success, yay) and it was home for a no-nap... woops. Well, let me clarify: Hendrik didn't have his nap, but Steve and I and Alana did; he went for ice cream with Grams and Gramps - not a bad trade-off I'd say. And I got out for a walk by myself - a walk and a nap? Thanks to the help chez nous... we'll see if I can squeeze some of that action in this coming week with just the four of us around. (The four of us!)

sporting Jordans and a new hoodie... solid gifts! | Hendrik's truck stack

1 comment:

TC said...

Loving your blog friend..i want to play cards with Hendrik and the tiger!