Wednesday, March 21, 2012

odds and ends

1. The other day - after Steve tried Luciano's homemade lucanica (sausage-salami) and made this died-and-gone-to-heaven face - he told me that wherever we end up living we have to live next door to people like Luciano and Antonella. However, unless we want to set up camp in Vela for the rest of our lives (not such a horrible prospect, it's just a little too far away from family and friends), I don't think that's going to happen... they are one of a kind.
bottling wine
2. Yesterday Hendrik almost locked Steve out of the house; when we're on the patio we have to be sure to follow him inside immediately - he is becoming quite skilled at turning door handles and closing doors.
3. Hendrik had Nao playing all sorts of games with him, but the cutest started with fishing pasta out from under the dishwasher with a hockey stick. That morphed into letting the balloon fly up to the ceiling, an "uh-oh!" and then everyone lies down on the kitchen floor (to look at the pasta... or not). Video:

4. Did I ever mention that Nao brought two sizes of pants? I haven't asked her yet if she used size bigger but ummm I sure do feel like I could use size bigger right about now.

5. Spring is definitely here; the grass is green and trees are blooming... I love it! It just makes me a bit sad that we'll be leaving when everything is at its best. But there's no place like home, and home is family... I can't wait to see everyone!
6. Erin and Fred will be here soon... YAY! And there's sauce for a lasagna on the stove - double yay! And I'm going to go lie down RIGHT now for 20 minutes before Steve has to leave for practice... life is good...

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Wow, the blossoms look awesome, and so does Hendrik of course! It's like summer here now...seems very weird. But Mon. reality sets in again with temps of 6-8 degrees. Oh well, we'll be crusing! Have a good time with Erin & Fred.