Saturday, February 25, 2012

spring? is that you?

Oh Spring! The last few days here have been beautiful! I went for a walk this morning (solo), in lulus and a long-sleeve T... it was ah-mazing. I am so looking forward to warmer weather, and while I know that the cold may return, this glimpse of spring was on the money. It was even warm enough to stroll around with gelato on Wednesday, and yesterday on our way to kiddie school the gelaterias were downright bustling with business. As an aside - how good is gelato in Italy? Very good. Very very very very good. So good that really, I should be eating it every day... yum.

Steve was away for an entire week, and then back again for just two days before leaving again, BOO. However! Next week he's around all week long, and with three mornings off! That means we can go back to the pool, and finally check out Sopramonte and Salumeria Belli (a butcher shop and team sponsor that makes delicious salami; they're also the go-to place for meat around here, or so we hear). SO! Both Hendrik and I are looking forward to that - having Steve around, going to the pool and more more more.

Hendrik Updates
Our boy Hendrik has learned some new words. A few of my personal favourites are: booger ("mamma, booger"), juice, nigh-nigh (night-night) and ham. Ham was new today, and booger came with the week-long cold he's just getting over and yes, I know - I need to get it on film.

He is still loving broccoli:

And this (week) just in! Hendrik has learned the Italian sign for yummy. The finger in cheek thing means mmmmmm yum! And he's picked it up from Antonella and Luciano... so cute!

And chasing the cat in the yard is still fun fun fun, but being filmed by mom is not.

The whole family went to the park this morning - like I said, the weather was incredible. It was great to spend a morning together before dad had to (reluctantly) take off with his packed bags.

Heather Updates
Ouf. Not much to write here - I'm at the mercy of Hendrik and his updates. I haven't been reading much, though the Jacob de Zoet book is up there sitting on top of the tv. Ooh! We went out for pizza last night - without the babe! It was great. I texted Antonella and Elena to see if either of them were free, and at 8:30 they both showed up at the door.... to keep each other company. We met some guys from Steve's team, and it was great to eat good food and just be out alone. We watched The Help the other night and though the book was definitely better, the movie was good. Not great, but good. What else what else... I feel like I've been kind of low-key for the last week - home and taking it easy with the cold that Hendrik and I shared. The babe had a few super stuffy nights, so nap time in the afternoon became mandatory for both of us, something I was (/am still) juuuuust fine with.

VOLLEYBALL volleyball volleyball. They won the Italian Cup last Sunday which is kind of a big deal, but then lost the first game of a two-game Champions League Series against Macerata on Wednesday. They were up 2-0 and lost ... pfffffft. So they have to have to win on Thursday night ( - 8:30 our time) to move on. They have to win the game and then they have to win a golden set - a 15-point game in which the winner takes all... intense! It should be a good one. Hm, are there any other Steve updates? Ooooh yes, but this one has to do with volleyball - again. It looks like the Olympic qualifier will be in Long Beach at the beginning of May, so that is where our Canadian squad will hopefully secure a spot in the upcoming London Olympics. It's their one and only chance, so they've got to come through this time. I hope! We hope. Ummmm... there might be more but for now, this is all I've got on my husband.

And that's all I've got for Saturday night. It's closing in on 10:00 and I'm sure I'll waste some time online before getting in bed... and I'm tired, so hopefully I can waste my time quickly. Or not waste time. Whatever... 'night!

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