Friday, May 27, 2011

our babe - almost 6 months old!

Eek! Hendrik will be six months old tomorrow! I really have quite a bit that I could blog about (including how ridiculous some of those Home Hardware gadgets are - distracted by a commercial... bah) but it's almost 10:00 on Friday night and all I really want to do is get in bed. Is this sad and pathetic? Maybe just a bit. But er, well, I'll just pretend that I'm saving up my sleep for next weekend - my two youngest sisters, Karin and Claire, are coming to visit and there'll be no time for bed early bailouts then! So, just a few things that I must get down before they fade and I forget that I haven't talked about them. First, me; it looks like I'm going to be directing a summer program for Region 6 Volleyball. Plans are in the works, and I think I will be the head honcho - with a baby in tow. The planning and prep should be no problem (should), but the days in the gym might be a bit difficult BUT... we'll see. We'll plan and prepare (wait, I mean I will) and hope for the best. The program will be running in August and Poppa Steve will be in Europe with the team, so it really will be just the two of us. And then, afterwards, I hope that we'll be able to head out to Vancouver for a solid little chunk of time. In the works - it's all in the works. And other than that, life for me has been pretty much the same-old same-old... being a mom is a full. time. job! Hendrik and I made it out to a few mommy play group type things, and I really enjoy it - since I still don't really have any friends with kids around Hendrik's age (ak! 6 months!), it's good for him and good for me to go to these things. Moms chat and say be gentle as kiddies explore and roll and crawl around and bat other kids in the head - too funny. Ooh, we did make it to Ikea and Michaels (and a play group - all in one day!) and yup, I got a few things crossed off the list: return shelves and get new ones (hopefully pics of those coming soon - they won't sit around collecting dust for 6 weeks like the last ones did), buy canvases for art projects (AND use coupons for ridiculously good deals - woot!) and hmmm... buy Swedish Fish for my cousin Duncan. I was able to cruise around these mega-stores with Hendrik all bundled in the Ergobaby, and carried shelves and then huge canvases out under and over head - I felt like such a mom, making it happen with a baby attached here and massive this and massive that protruding all over the place. Anyways, yup. Also - Ikea is such a good place for momservation (I'm such a dork! that word just occurred to me); there were so many other moms in there with their kids, and while I sat in the resto feeding Hendrik and picking at my lunch, I watched how moms fed and managed kids at future ages and stages, with brothers and sisters around too. It's a good place to observe and meet and chat with other moms; and there you have it, my momservation.

All ready for some food!

Mmmmm yam puree - easiest ever to make!

He made a bit of a funny face after the first few bites (sort of captured here) - cute!

Hendrik updates are, for now, these: he ate a small bowl of sweet potatoes today and seemed to like it; mouth open for more after puh-lenty. He is getting his belly up off of the floor now and then and even did a semi-plank type thing this afternoon - wowing me and Steve. I'm sure there's more, but this got long pretty quickly here and I'm fading. Sooooooo... bed time!

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Hendrik gets cuter all the time! Soooo adorable. Can't wait to see him again....oh yeah you and Steve too.