Saturday, October 12, 2019

a blog: started last weekend, finished this weekend!

I am so out of the loop of writing that I'm not keeping track of what I should be blogging about! And we've been horrrrrrible at taking photos - is it because we don't have a functional standalone camera? I'm thinking no - cell phones are always close at hand (but often ignored or hiding somewhere unknown). Anyways, I'll post what I have and go from there?

Jordan loves working at the craft table - and works in his planner just like his big sibs... so cute!

homework time
before (with carpet & lots of wallpaper!) and after (with J) - Steve did a great job!
We spent (last) weekend finishing some things and starting others. Hendrik wrapped up a tryout for a select baseball team and started a volleyball program, and I had my first Western women's game. Steve spent the weekend in Manitoba with the McMaster team and Bob and Marg were here to help with the kids (hurray). Before he left, Steve finished the front entryway - no more carpet and wallpaper! The next project is undetermined, but there are many to choose from. We've had several contractors through to get the ball rolling on the attic conversion (from an empty space to a master with a bathroom), but people are so busy we've only heard back from one guy - and his quote was significantly higher than expected. So we'll wait! I just finished my first practicum of year two of teacher's college, and it was fantastic - I'd rather continue teaching at the school than go back to classes! The best way to learn is by doing. It was great getting to know the students and staff at the school, and I'll definitely go back and visit. I start school on Tuesday for six weeks, and then it's another short practicum before Christmas holidays - already! Time is flying, as usual.
growing up - and fast!
We're in Bowmanville for Thanksgiving weekend, and the kids are loving it! We went for a nice walk this afternoon, and will enjoy a big meal with family tomorrow... if only Comox and Kamloops and Denver weren't so far away! Jordan and I are heading out to BC for a long weekend in a few weeks, and I am really really looking forward to seeing my parents. The bigs are a little jealous, but we are going to Orlando in November - so I can bring that up (and the fact that they're missing 8 days of school) to effectively douse any jealous concerns. I'm sure there's more to write about but since I started this blog last weekend, I'll just get this posted! Maybe with practicum finished and school only two days a week, I'll be better at getting posts posted... but maybe not! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Halloween costume almost complete! and he's ready for Universal... YAY!