Sunday, October 25, 2015

visit + halloween-ready

We are less than a week away from Halloween! We have decorations up (and out) and Halloween books are evening go-to reads AND costumes are almost finished. Alana wanted to be Franklin (again), and somehow the suit doesn't need any alterations size-wise; some felt and fabric needs replacing here and there but we can attend to it any time now that Hendrik's costume is finished. It is AMAZING. Amazing. He is going to be a Dinobuster - as in Ghostbuster but Dinosaur Buster - which is a takeaway from Dino Dan (Trek's Adventures); this is what the dinobusters look like on the show:

And here's Hendrik - with his blue coveralls and backpack extraordinaire (complete with flashing lights, flashlights, dino zapper, dial and more):

Basically how it goes (on the show) is this: there's a great big haunted house that's riddled/haunted with pesky dinosaurs, and depending on whether the dino they spy is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore, the dial on the front of the pack is adjusted and the appropriate dino-busting spray shoots out of the dino zapper. Hendrik's costume is complete with dial, zapper, tubes - wait, I already said all of this. It's pretty epic, and I'm looking forward to getting some more photos up (plus an explanation of construction materials). Moving on...

We had visitors last week (my parents!) and it was so so so great having them here - to have them see our house, visit with the kids, and get a snapshot of our life and daily routine; spending time together was something I wish we could do more often. This is the only picture I took - of Grandpa O reading a new Halloween book to the kids. I love it!

Life has been so busy with school (it's going well - lots of assignments), coaching (we had our first win on Saturday against Windsor; we're 1-0!), and family life (the kids are sick right now, but have been so good and are SO excited about Halloween), that it's difficult to fit all of the extras in (blogging, working out, reading). On Friday we put Alana in a program at the YMCA that we call Gym & Swim; there's an hour of gym followed by an hour of swim, and then we pick her up. Both Steve and I worked out (first time in months!) and then watched her splash around and play in the kiddie pool... it was great. We'll try and make it a weekly, Friday thing - I don't have class and it felt so good to sweat and get my heart rate up. I also get to exercise tomorrow night... women's league has started! We play Monday nights and it's something I look forward to every week.

A few random thoughts to share before I go; we had one of our go-to dinners tonight and it was so good I have to share. Maple-glazed salmon (sauce: reduce 1/3 cup of orange juice, 1/3 cup maple syrup, 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar - pour over cooked salmon once on your dinner plate!) with... well it doesn't really matter what it's with, that's the part of our staple meal that we most love (rice, carrots and caesar salad - that's what else). My mom and dad gave us a Foley Food Mill and it is my new favourite kitchen appliance (behind the ultimate fave, the toaster); we stewed apples the other day and made applesauce - no coring or peeling required! Just stew up them apples and mill out the sauce. It was so good I didn't even have to add sugar - and it's Alana's dessert of choice. Once I get this girl to sleep (she napped in the car this afternoon - she has a pile of books on the couch and it's 9pm), I'm going to check out the glow-in-the-dark Halloween fabric for future trick-or-treat bags. I know there's more to write about but I'd better tap out - Alana is adding more books to her pile and the clock is ticking!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

thanksgiving +

Fall has hit here in Forest City, and with possible SNOW on the weekend, winter may be just around the corner. This has me scrambling to make sure the kids have boots and snowsuits that fit - and it also has me reminiscing about Palm Springs on a near daily basis. I do like this season, and I'm trying to appreciate it for what it is (the colours, the fresh air!) instead of what's coming next (freezing cold, cold all of the time, gear everywhere, etc. etc.). I'll work on it....

With Steve away in Poland for 10 days on a McMaster Men's Volleyball tour, the kids and I scooted up to Bowmanville for Thanksgiving and had an incredible time. They just love it there - there are new people to play with (/harass), and toys and places to play are instantly new again. Plus, there's always amazing food (meals, treats, goodies) and Watson's farm is just around the corner, and (I know I've mentioned this before) it may just be their favourite place on earth. We arrived Thursday and left Monday, and I think the kids went to Watson's four times (??); we/they picked apples, rode on a wagon, played in the playground, fed animals, manhandled pumpkins and gourds, and rolled around in hay (literally). I admit that I do like Watson's, but it's mostly because the kids love it so much there. We had an amazing family dinner on Sunday afternoon (preceded by the best appelflappen you'll find ... maybe anywhere), I got away for coaching and catching up with a friend on Saturday (Western was playing in a tourney at McMaster), and everyone left feeling refreshed and ready (sort of) to get back to reality on Tuesday. It's been a bit of a struggle this week to get the kids to school on time - or, I could put it this way: it's been a struggle (not a bit of a struggle but a struggle) to get the kids out of bed, to get them dressed, to get them to stop arguing, to get them dressed, to get them to come downstairs, to get them fed, to get them to put on their shoes, to get them in the car etc. etc. Some mornings have been better than others, but there have definitely been smoother days.

the blood painting
This afternoon the kids surprised me with a request to do some painting, so I got the watercolour trays out and they went at it. Hendrik drew BLOOD... he drew several drawings of blood - and he was sure to warn me in a sweet and gentle voice (that I wish he used all the time) that I might think it was gross: "Mom, this might be kind of yucky because there are spatters and big blobs of blood all over the place." - !!! Alrighty then. And get this - after his first request for "Uptown Funk You Up" (a family favourite), he asked for Opera. For real. So I found this opera collection on Youtube and when it started playing, guess what Alana said... In her sweet and gentle voice she said, "Is that Grandma at the cottage?" HA! I had to suppress extreme laughter. And then she says, "At Bowmanville?" And it was just audio. So there you go Grandma B, you've got the voice of an opera singer. (!!!)

After a trip to the London Public Library's annual book sale tomorrow morning (you better believe I am some excited about it), we will have what I hope will be a relaxing day before a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning we'll head to Toronto to visit the aquarium, and then pick Steve up later in the day - and then drive home (ugh). Sunday will be no less busy: I coach in the morning and then will head back to Toronto for a scrimmage between the 'Stangs and U of T whatever-they-ares... Sounds relaxing, right? Not. With all of that said I'd better get to bed. Reunion pics to come - I can't wait to see the kids see Steve!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

palm springs and wedding amazingness!

Palm Springs blog post coming at you - it was major! Steve left a few days earlier than I did, but when I arrived on Tuesdsay night late late late I felt like I'd just walked into a dream life for four days. The pool was incredible, views spectacular, the house and the rooms posh and outfitted to the nines; PLUS - most important part - our friends were on the brink of getting marrrrrried and it was so so so so good to see them and spend some quality together (and with their other friends - now ours too!) before the big day. Steve golfed and I helped Shanti and floated about in the pool. We ate good food and saw friends and come Friday I helped the bride get ready and it was the best. We said this a few times over our few days together but it's so strange that she was at our wedding six years ago - okay, here's the strange part: and I didn't even know her! Well now I do and I feel so grateful to have been a small part of their day. They both looked incredible (Shanti might actually win a most beautiful bride contest if there ever were one - I'd vote for her), and the ceremony (written by Freddie), their vows and speeches were perfect. Everything about the venue was amazing (I'm running out of adjectives to describe it all) - the scenery, ambiance, food, decor, music... and I got to dance dance dance (and rap along with some songs I'd have guessed were long forgotten... but they're not!). It was super fun - beyond super fun. Our trip home was long, but seeing the kids and getting smothered in welcome home hugs was pretty incredible - even though we went from hot to cool, sunny skies and palm trees to greyish skies and falling leaves. I'm thankful for the seasons and I love them, but I also loved the hot weather and the pool to cool off in. Here are a few pictures - I didn't take many... I can't wait to see some of their wedding pics!
shanti and her dad, some signage (some of my work!), reception beauty and the winters, just married!

at the (ah-mazing) house - the men of the house
pics from a walk above palm springs