Another week bites the dust! It's awful that I don't have any pictures of the back yard to post - there's grass growing and it's green - green! It's been two weeks, so there are quite a few dirty, bare patches, but I managed to keep things moving in the right direction even with the chief of lawn staff out of town for five entire days. Steve spent the weekend (plus) in Calgary, socializing and catching up with volleyball friends and teammates and briefly hanging out with his sister and her family. I would have
loved to have joined, but I think it's a trip best taken without kids, as the only schedule I'd like to follow in volleyball-land is my own (and that of a handful of other teams). With club nationals running at the same time as both women's and men's national team games, most volleyball folk from across the country were in Cowtown, and this means nothing but fun.
My independent study (
Physically active girls in children’s picture books:
the power of exclusion, inclusion and depiction) is coming along slowly but surely, and the kids have latched on to a few books that I'm taking a close look at - namely
My Favorite Run. We've read it mid-day and before bed, and the mid-day reads have inspired runs around the block as a family - which is just about the cutest thing you ever did see: Hendrik in the lead (semi-coordinated, pumping his arms), and Alana and I loping along (her wild hair flopping everywhere) and me sporting a pink owl purse (Alana's, empty, cross-body - at her request). Throughout the run Alana recited lines from the story, my most favourite being, "This is my
favourite run mama." Adorable! I'd recommend you check it out of the library, but it's unlikely that it's there - look for it on Amazon or better yet, make a request at your public library (check
Worldcat to find the closest copy).
Signing off here - it's too late to do more work
and I'm in the middle of a Flavia mystery (
and I'm sure Alana will be up early). When do kids start sleeping in (past 7:00)? I know I should be counting my lucky stars (and not saying anything) that she's doing a better job of making it through the night, but 6:30 is early (especially when a good book keeps you up until midnight). Bed!