Saturday, December 27, 2014

christmas roundup

Christmas! What a day. The days before and after the big 2-5 were fabulous, and even though the season is going going gone, we're still feeling pretty festive, I'd say. The kids had a great time doing the Santa thing - leaving cookies, wondering whether the he'd come or not - and then on Christmas morning when they spotted the cleaned out cookie plate and a nibbled carrot they were beyond excited. "This is getting crazier and crazier!" said Hendrik. More than once (thrice maybe), he expressed amazement that his stocking was actually filled, and it made Steve and I wonder whether our warnings ("Santa is watching!") got under his skin and bore small doubts as to whether or not he was good enough to expect a visit from the big man himself. Both kids would have been happy with a stocking full of balloons and Smarties, but things like stickers, a hairbrush, toothbrush, dinosaur, etc., somehow buoyed the glee. They were also gifted a matchbox mouse and a hand knit sweater (for Alana, from G&G O), dinosaur pjs for Hendrik, the best slippers ever (ponies for Alana and dinosaur claws for Hendrik, both from Pam and Bob), a thwack of amazing books, kinetic sand (from Auntie E & F), some great clothes, a giant Mr. Potato Head (Alana played with this for over 2 hours, by herself), and more. The adults (that's us, right?) are going home with a new waffle maker (YES!), a subscription to Macleans, some good books, a new bag, a scarf and more - we were spoiled once again. We were also spoiled with dinner and good company on the 25th (and on all other days) as we joined forces with the Tukkers and Crockers for afternoon snacks and the annual Gift Grab Game, and then the full dinner spread (with sticky toffee pudding cake for dessert - a major hit with the kids). Steve and I walked away from the GGG with an Ottlite and an olive oil + balsamic vinegar + wooden bowls set handcrafted by Gramps himself. 
christmas dinner, the kids being carnivorous dinosaurs and attacking the meat platters
In other news, Hendrik has become a fish. Three weeks ago this guy was barely putting his face or head in the water (at the pool or in the bath) but after buying into the goggles thing, he's a convert. At the pool on the 24th he spent more time under the water than above it, and was diving for rings and sunken treasure, kicking and splashing and propelling. We were thinking we'd get to the rec centre today, but checked out the closest YMCA instead; they had a bouncy castle, and not much competes with that. We fine dined at Costco after, picked up a few things, and then spent the rest of the day chilling out at home. Alana has become the worst little monster at bedtime - she refuses to be put down, stay in her bed, or have anyone but me stay with her until she's fallen asleep and woken up again and come screeching out of her room like a deranged mutant (repeat repeat repeat). Here are a few pics from the last week here in B-ville - the screeches from downstairs need some attention... (sigh).....
our cuties!
the night before followed by morning and stockings!
steve's party and a few from around the house - + GGG gift-wrap finalists

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

allllmost christmas!

enjoying christmas lollipops from liz
It happened again! Another week has flown by, leaving a stream of events in its wake. The Friday night surprise retirement-from-Team-Canada party for Steve was the biggest, the most monumental, the most significant of these events, as Steve played for a total of 17 years for our national team, and there's no denying that that's a pretty big deal. The par-tay had been in the works for a month (at least), and Steve had no idea. His cousin Pam hosted, and together with Marg and Erin, the three of them got food and drink organized, and Marg and I took care of the invites. Seeing as how we're in the midst of the holiday season, we were thinking we'd keep it small and invite family and a few of Steve's coaches from the early days - and then do something bigger with the team and friends in the new year. Steve and I arrived with the kids shortly after 7:15, and coming down the stairs to a basement full of people Steve was so surprised he didn't even realize that it was for him until he saw his buddy Dan-o and a few of his former coaches - it was a success! There was a ton of food, an amazing cake, wine and bevies, a few speeches (Bob and Ralph) and a video I put together on my way to and from Palm Springs, with contributions from my sisters and Steve's cousins. I'll try to upload it, but no guarantees - this computer is fussy with vids and youtube.
team canada cake and steve with dan-o and hugh pops
Steve and I were up early early (5:45) on Saturday and spent the weekend in Hamilton on the court with a few good groups of eager kids and a great crew of coaches (LP, Paul D., Cooper, Heather Bansley). We made up for Friday's late night and Saturday's early morning by being in bed at 7:30 on Saturday night, and it was ah-mazing. Amazing. Sunday was another full day of coaching followed by some Strongbow (on tap = the best), nachos and ideas (with LP) and an awesome night in Toronto with Dan and Milka. We ate at Terroni (salad, pizza, wine + panettone), breakfasted at Sud Forno (great coffee and fresh donuts - yes please), wandered, walked, shopped a bit, and then made for home. After a solid two and a half days away from the kids, heartstrings were getting tight, and it was so so good to get back to them and hear their sweet little voices and feel their arms around our bodies.

This weekend - time spent on the court and with Dan and Milka - gave me some food for thought, and here are a few things I want to / need to think about in the next little bit here:

1. What's the difference between panettone and pandoro? I need to make both (and eat both) and blog about it. Panetone project, coming up....

2. Do I stay in school through the summer? I was planning on it, but the summer is the time I can really be in the gym and develop as a coach, learn and be involved, and make some cash. There are so many opportunities with camps and teams (provincial, national), and I'm wondering if I'm crazy to pass up some chances to get better, and use my skills. I need to look at my school schedule and see if there's any way to do both and graduate in two years....

TWO days til Christmas! Shopping is done, there is food and bounty all around, and I'm with family. I sure am missing mine, but I'm thankful we're in Canada for the holidays - and for all the days!
family and good food - the best!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


What a low-show blog month for me, yayikes! Even though school has been over for almost two weeks now (for me), life seems busier than ever - Hendrik and school, Alana and who-knows-what, Christmas happenings, the trip to Palm Springs, life with two little kids... it's all just a whirlwind. The kids have been overtired, whiney, and demanding, and then polite and sweet and adorable - though it sure does seem like the undesirables have been in play more often than not. They're super into the Christmas thing, and are pretty excited that we! are! going! to Bowmanville tomorrow! We have some people looking after the house while we're gone, and our tree will stay up and happy, so our new home won't be a lonely one while we're gone. We were hoping to be packed and organized for an on-time departure tomorrow morning, so it's go time now - even though I just want to GO to bed. (Is this a recurring theme? Maybe I just need to blog in the morning and stop commenting on fatigue levels.) So, here are some pics, and next time I write we'll be closer to Christmas and closer to family!
alana's first appointment at the salon 
sugar cookies!
opening presents from shanti - the kids obviously loved their new shirts ")
wearing sunnies and reading stories to a dinosaur, of course

from hendrik's first school christmas concert: it was cute, a little long, and ended with cookies
from last week's trip to palm springs

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Palm Springs!

yesterday's breakfast view... not bad!
Palm Springs! Was amazing. I'm not going to do a day by day breakdown of activities, but instead deliver the general goods on the what where when how why (mostly) of a fabulous few days of wedding venue shopping and spending time with one of my most favourite friends.

I flew down there on an Aeroplan ticket, so it was a four-airport three-flight kind of deal (something I'd get falsely excited about if I were flying with the kids), and it lasted all day (literally); I was up at 5:00, in the cab at 5:20, and flying at 6:30. Arrival time in Palmy was close to 6pm (9pm Eastern time), and this gave me plenty of time to finish a Flavia book (The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag), read a few magazines, and catch up on some emails and school stuff. Shanti met me at the airport, and a fun filled two days plus an evening began.... So, what'd we do?

We looked at wedding venues, wedding venues galore! We ate In N Out Burger (SO GOOD), went to an outlet mall - where I purchased new leggings and a new wallet (I'd had my old tatters one since 2008 - 'twas a gift from my good friend Tammy, and I just couldn't part with it!), we wined and we dined, and we made it to My Little Bridal Boutique for an hour of dress try-ons. Shanti's future mother-in-law Maggie was there as well, and it was great to see her too; the two of them were off yesterday to LA for full day of dress shopping while I partook in another epic trip from Palm Springs to LA to Chicago to London. The kids were up and at us early (as always), and for once I admit that despite being just a little bit tired / jet-lagged, I was happy to see them... there's no place like home!

Friday, December 5, 2014


Eeeeeek! I have multiple reasons to squeal or squeak like an overly excited pre-teen... or like the giggly happy happy mamacita that I am, and here's why:

1. The semester is over! Classes just finished and all assignments are handed in and I have no exams. No exams! I finished the semester feeling way more confident than when I started, and I hope I can hang on to the studying/writing/school skills (that were somehow revived) over this upcoming break. Break starts NOW! and school starts again on January 12. I have lists of things to do, books to read, mini-projects to get to - so will stay busy... more on that later.

2. Palm-Spring-it-on-me! One of my very favourite people got engaged a month (or two?) ago, and is whittling down her wedding venue search next week in Palm Springs; come with! come with! she said, but airline tickets were (/are) expensive, and getting away from the kids and life here might be (/is) tricky. On a whim, I decided to look at Aeroplan, and availability didn't work. And then... and then! I'm sitting in class on Wednesday and get a text from Steve: check your email. So I do, and what's there? An itinerary to go to Palm Springs on Tuesday, returning Friday. I almost squealed! In class! I'm so excited! To see Shanti, to have a little vacay, enjoy some warm weather, free time, and step out of my mom shoes for four days. Yikes! I'll miss my little chickens (and my big chicken), but might enjoy the trip more. I have the best husband ever!!

3. Christmas! Is here. We have a fully decorated and eclectic, wonderful-smelling tree (decorated by the our famille and Liz, with new-from-neighbor ornaments), lights up on our house, stockings hung by the fire, Christmas goodies in the freezer, a beautiful advent calendar (made by my maman, a replica of the calendar we had when we were little - which brings back many a memory!), chilly weather and Christmas music. Watch out, it's getting festive!

Last night there was a program social - at a campus pub - and even though all I really wanted to do was sit on the couch and go to bed early (really!), I went, and it was fun (3 beers + late night + extremely whining (maybe teething) 2-year old + extremely recalcitrant 4-year old = me in my pyjamas at 6:36 and ready to go to bed now (8:08)). Plans for this evening include finishing this blog, reading a few magazines, blobbing in front of the TV and then finishing my book and going to bed. That sounds like a lot - maybe I should just see how it goes? First step, finish blog = done!