Monday, October 28, 2013

family update

It's been a week! And so, this calls for a family update - since I could torrential-downpour le info and it would be all over the place, and I know that wouldn't result in anything reader-friendly.

Me (me first!)
I went to Toronto, and it was a whirlwind of a trip. I left Friday night after dinner (6:30) and rolled into Bowmanville close to 11:00 (thank goodness for satellite radio, oh oh!). Saturday morning saw me up early-ish - I hit the post office to collect Hendrik's new passport, and then made for the city. I checked out a good thwack of books (some rare, all valuable) at a TPL branch; I liked some, loved some and thought some of them were straight up weird. Several tomes made me wonder, Would this get published today? (Answer = no way.) Anyways, I could have requested and looked at many more, but my time was limited - I had to get going to Info Session #1 at U of T's iSchool (information school).... along with 75 other people - !! It was all fine and dandy, and I think that as long as I could take the electives I want and come away with a degree that would give me a solid certification (for a career I'd enjoy), I'd be happy. That being said, I didn't come away with a 100% sold-on-the-program feeling, which may not really be possible within the span of a few hours. It might be the big school big city academic schmacademic business - or the fact that I've been out of school for 12 years (!!) that left me feeling a little less than convinced. If only I could visit Western too - it's the other contender that I'm thinking could be the right fit. In any case, at this point it's not a plan that's set in stone (me going to library school) in the fall... but it might be getting there.

In other heather-mama news... what? Volleyball has been super fun (women's league, Tuesday nights), I'm getting involved a bit with coaching (regional team perhaps, clubs in Ottawa), and I'm starting to get Christmas on the brain. Stuff has been out and up at Costco for at least a month now, but with the colder weather (there were FLURRIES here this morning - flurries!) it's the positive focus of winter (family, giving good presents, nanaimo bars and goodies). And on that note, I am no longer loving fall, and maybe that's because it seems to be over. Mrrrrrr... I like being warm the best.

Hendrik (almost 3)
I have to get his quotable quote out first, which Steve tells me about on the phone on Saturday night, while I'm stopped to gas up in Belleville and walking around a Shopper's Drug Mart looking for snacks. Hendrik, in the bath, farts. Steve says, "What was that?!" - knowing full well that sour air had just surfaced. Hendrik paused, looked at Steve and said, "Daddy, there's a fish in my bum." A fish in my bum? What?! Hilarrrrrrious.... Steve obviously lost it. Blub blub blub equals fish sound or fart-in-water sound which rationally means fish in the bum. Nothing more has been said of it, but really, it's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard.

Moving on - the big news of the week is that our little man is having a second eye surgery on November 22nd. We had an appointment last Thursday and our thoughts were confirmed; we've seen a tremendous improvement in alignment but have also seen that things weren't quite right. So hopefully this next job does the trick! He was such a trooper the first time around - we're hoping this next lap is much like the first. I'm not sure how the statistics change after the second surgery, but we were told that after the first surgery, 50% of the cases need a second operation. So, to repeat, our fingers (and yours please) are crossed that this makes it all right.

Preschool has been great (for all of us). He's only been once on his own (we missed day 2 for his doctor's appointment), and was a bit shaky when I picked him up - even though the teachers were very positive with how he was doing. He still came away with a smile on his face... all good!

A few more small details: Hendrik is obsessed with Franklin (with watching Franklin, reading Franklin, having pretend Franklin conversations with his friends Bear and Goose. with quoting Franklin... it goes on and on), he loves playing volleyball, he's eating less, he still isn't super nice to Alana.... and ?? He tells us that he doesn't like us going away (not knowing that we go away a lot less than most parents). For now, that's it.

Alana (almost 14 months)
Oh Alans! Alana is such a happy little girl, even though her big brother pummels her and takes things away from her non-non-stop. She was graced with her first black eye late last week, which was the result of a high (hockey) stick to the face... ouch. Like Hendrik at this age, she eats like it's her job - she's packing away quite a bit more than Hendrik does, cleaning up her plate and his at mealtimes. She's been pretty clingy - very mamma-mamma-mamma - lately, and is more into reading books, which is nice. She loves doing anything and everything that Hendrik does and is getting more and more sure on her feet. She does a cute little hands up in the air thing when it's "dance time" at the end of Franklin episodes (or, say, when we put Gangnam Style on) - that's a must-get on video. She's saying more words: book, poop (!), baby, buck(le)... and she loves feeding and playing pretend with baby - which is ah-dorable! She pretend cooks and gives her/him a bottle... very cute. I must be getting sleepy... I can't think of anything more besides the fact that she cut another tooth.

Steve is training away and busy busy with the costume of the year - you guessed it, Franklin! I took the first photo the other day and he laughed and said, "I was hoping you wouldn't document this." Well of course I'm documenting this, it's amazing. So far the costume is better than store-bought - and on that note I was wondering why it's impossible to find a Franklin costume, and that's because Franklin is Canadian. Well, technically Franklin's creators are Canadian... and that's why. Anyways, Steve is doing a great job - finished product pic to come; let's just hope that Hendrik wants to put it on when it's all sewed and done :).

Steve leaves for Mexico with the team in a few weeks, and we'll be here solo for 10 days (?) - I think. Short-term future plans include Hendrik's third birthday here (a week after surgery), a trip to Toronto in early December for some meetings and a facilitator course (both volleyball) for me, Christmas in B-ville... and then ? We'll see!

Monday, October 21, 2013

missed pics +

Just a few photos from a few weeks ago:

 Vancouver (dress-up at Ellie's):

Alana as a bee, Hendrik the pirate protecting Princess Ellie, Bee (Stella) vs. Devil (Alana), and E&H

baking in a brand-new apron... cookies!!
enjoying the summery side of fall at the park across the street
soccer, and running and rolling down the hill
carrots with your dinner?
I love these two!

the boys | dockside | fall walk | pumpkin carving? | pumpkins are smelllllly! | alana, sleeping in
the meal! | Steve can't believe he just lost the cup to me and Ralphie... !! | champions!! | doing jobs

AFTER Thanksgiving:

in her new tutu.. i love it! and so does she....
I finished Born to Run the other day, and I loved it. I like running, so a book about running? Also like. There are some incredible (incredibly crazy?) people out there running loooong long distances, and it was neat to read about the why and how of injury and lack of injury and nutrition and overall abilities - maybe innate abilities - that people have, and much more.

Speaking of abilities, we took Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts out of the library today; I thought I'd requested Martha Stewart's Crafts for Kids, and after a quick gander of the encyclopedia I can assure you that these crafts are not for kids. She has the ability (and money and time), and I'm thinking I don't. Well... if I had the time, maybe; craftiness and projects and baby-booking - it's all taken a back seat to re-gu-lar life. That's one thing that I don't really get about the ultra-running thing, or the Martha Stewarts of this world - and there are plenty of them out there, moms that write for the Huffington Post but also cook and write books and have blogs and multiple kids and pets. (Whaaaaat?) Where does the time come from? Maybe they don't sleep. Or they marathon-monk/night-owl take care of their lives during the late-late-shift (the monk comment: see here). I'd like to be an early riser, but that would mean going to bed right now... and that's just not going to happen.

I made Butternut Squash and Parsley Penne for dinner tonight and it was faaaaahbulous! Thanks to Marg and the Bowmanville library, I can read Everyday with Rachel Ray on our ipad every month for free. I love it! I mean, I never actually read the magazine because it's low on the priority list, but after this delicious turn-out I might have to start paying more attention. The to-make time of said recipe clocks in under 30 minutes as long as you cube the squash ahead of time - I le recommend.

I'm going to Toronto this weekend by myself to attend an information session at the University of Toronto; their Master of Information (Library school) program is of interest to me... there! It's said. I also made an appointment to look at a few books at TPL's Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. They have (more than) a few treasures, and I get to look at some Dorothy Kunhardt books (she's best know for Pat the Bunny), some Gene Zion books (Harry the Dirty Dog) and a small thwack of hard-to-find Margaret Wise Brown books. Eeeee! I'm excited. Their collection includes an artist's dummy of Harry the Dirty Dog... eeeee again! I'll report back.

 Okay, time to tackle the evening to-do list. I leave you with this - I love them all!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

the thick of it... autumn!

When Autumn started knocking down Summer's door a few weeks ago, I was none too happy about it; Fall means Winter means cold cold cold! Swapping flip flops for Sorels and layers and layers for just one... ugh... non merci! However, after a long weekend at the Crowe and a few days before and after of comfortable weather and no heat or AC on in the house and a here and now attitude, I'm loving it. Loving fall that is. I mean, I have to think about it for what it is - and ignore the fact that five (?) months of chill are on their way. Plus, the fall colours have been beautiful... so beautiful in fact, that they inspired me and my Crowe Cup partner Ralph Tukker, to take home the gold. Let me fill yer in on that one: come Thanksgiving, the Brinkman-Tukker clan decamps to the cottage for food, festivities, fall walks and the Crowe Cup, a hockey-card-game tournoi that is taken very seriously by all competitors (a version of this game). Ralph and I worked our way through the round robin finishing a paltry 4th out of five teams, but outwitted the favoured duo of Bob Crocker and Steve, "The Killer Crows 2" to take home the cake. We even surprised ourselves! Stealthy confidence and a calm and easy attitude - with zero expectations - got us our name on the trophy, forever sharpied into the history books. Hup hup, les champions!

I'm sure there's much to write about, but my lists are long. And time is short. Oh! I have to add that Hendrik starts preschool tomorrow - !!! Upon our return from Vancouver, where Ellie, the apple of his eye, attends a parent-run preschool of sorts, I hit google and found a match here. I'm sorry to say that it isn't right down the street but.... the community centre that is also home to the small school offers babysitting for less than $5 an hour! And fitness classes! And a coffee shop! And a massive, amaaaaazing playground! I'm excited. Can you tell?

I'm also excited about the fact that I'm playing women's league vball - I'm full-time signed up for a team and we won our game last night and I still (mostly) remember how to play. It was SO FUN! I can't wait for next week... what!

Okay, now I'm going to post pictures and work on le list; so far, this is it:
- make a Franklin costume for Hendrik for Halloween?
- new car seat for Alana....
- blog
- look for warmie winter suit for Alana on kijiji

One thing down!
with Gramps, golfing, pumpkin' carving, and THE menu

Monday, October 7, 2013

back east

We're back home, and getting settled in: bags are unpacked, there's food in the fridge, and we're thinking of the things we need to do and can do and should do to get settled here for the fall. Something could come up any time and take us away, but I want to plan on being here and feel at home with our goings-ons rather than play the waiting game. To switch gears, I've had some serious tab-itis for at least a month... and here it is:

- Lift Studios: Jon Klassen
- Jon Klassen's blog: an interview with Arnold Lobel by Lucy Rollin
- Wikipedia: Ludwig Bemelmans
- FIMS at Western
- U of T Library Science
- Pumpkin Cheesecake bread - yes PLEASE!
- Rejected Designs for World Famous Landmarks That Were Never Built
- Google search for Dorothy Kundhart
- Abe Books
- "I'm Coming Out... As Pro-Vaccine"
- Article about 15 Wildly Successful People that overcame huge obstacles
- Brownie Recipe... they're THE BEST!
- Margaret Bloy Graham blurb on Through the Magic Door
- the Resources page on Through the Magic Door
- Losing Is Good For You, NY Times
- Types of Intellectual Property, Gov of Canada
- youtube, uploading these videos:

By listing all of the above links, maybe I'll get myself to read through and close them? Maybs.

Alana is walking more and more, and is doing this cute thing with her hands where she does a palm up thing for "where?" - it is tres ah-do-rable. The weather has been great since we've been back (except for today, it poured), and we're slowly but surely (I think) getting over the jet lag. Hendrik has been up late late late and sleeping in a bit, at least. Photos:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

last call from vancouver

I'm going to have to review my pictures here, to make sure it all gets in somehow - this past week has been crazy busy. There were wedding festivities, my sisters were here visiting with Karin's little one Erik, we celebrated my mom's birthday, and Steve rejoined us after a week of living it up out in Langley (right?); this equals a mashed-up memory of the last seven days, so I'll just sum it up with les photos. That's what you get - I need tea and sleep and at least an hour to read the trashy goss magazines Lindsey and Joel and I mauled in the lobby of their building last night. And then it'll be back to the to-do list: organize and pack trump the other must-dos, as we leave tomorrow. As you can see, it's been a slice!!

Lindsey looked AMAZING, and the wedding was beautiful. It was above Earls at the V Bar in Yaletown, and the venue was perfect. We got ready at her place in the morning, and cruised around in the limo before Claire, Shelby, Joel's mom Dianne, the photographer Emily and I exited for le big moment. The ceremony was sweet, with personalized vows and all, and most of us managed to keep our eyes dry... it was perfect! A few photographs in the rain followed, then drinks, dinner, speeches (I made one, I cried), dancing, drinks, and more dancing. We were home by 12:30 or 1:00? And Monday wasn't too bad - we were tired, but otherwise not feeling any ill-effects. It was so much fun!!

getting ready

first dance
me and Steve, Steve and a horse (ran-dom), me and my besty!, late-night cake-cutting


from top R: Alana with Auntie Claire, skyping with Sarah, trio of sisters, Gramps and Hendrik, dinner!
cousins, showing each other some love :)


stella, the kids, sandwiches (and grabbing), first tattoo, hendrik and stella
tea party! jenny taught the kids to call e/o sir and madam - it was adorable!!


reunited with dad, pricessed, hendrik testing out my new shoes, hendrik's 2nd favourite team?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

the walk!

Finally - a video of Alana walking! She was up and getting around on her feet quite a bit today - it won't be long until the crawl is history. We had an amazing weekend - more on that to come tomorrow (I hope)...